Additional information
Class | Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8 |
Level | Middle, Primary |
Maths Now is a series of eight books for classes 1 to 8 based on the NCERT syllabus. The series follows an activity-oriented approach to make mathematics engaging for students through emphasizing connections between mathematics and day-to-day experiences. This series also features the balanced use of manipulatives, virtual manipulatives, abstract ideas and other interesting features to improve inherent mathematical skills of students by creating foundational interest in the subject. This series has been created with a view to enhance the students’ understanding of the key concepts of mathematical problem-solving and to increase practical learning by bringing in contexts from outside the classroom. The main aim of the series is to eradicate maths phobia among students, make mathematical concepts crystal clear so that students appreciate the beauty of the subject and the role it plays in one’s life.
Class | Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8 |
Level | Middle, Primary |
Coursebook 1-8
Teachers Manual 1-8
Collins DigiSuite 1-8
Let’s Get Started Chapter starter in the form of a picture-based exercise
Mental Maths Objective-type questions to develop quick-thinking skills
Go Easy! Additional tips helping students to calculate quickly
Do You Know? Nuggets of information to add real-world context to abstract mathematical concepts
Common Errors Pointers highlighting common mistakes and misconceptions
Solved Examples Exercises with step-by-step solutions
Word Problems Textual questions based on real-life situations
Exercises In-text objective-type questions for quick review
Crossword and Puzzles Mathematical problems to stimulate the students’ engagement
Maths Lab Activity Hands-on activity to connect concepts with their practical uses in real-life situations
Concept Map Graphic organizer to logically represent relationships between concepts under one topic
Key Concepts List to concisely give an overview of concepts in each topic
Chapter Revision Exercises at the end of each chapter for a comprehensive review Skill Up!
• Project Practical activities to enhance real-world application of concepts
• Life Skills Questions to inculcate positive behaviour and add a layer of ethical thinking while solving practical mathematical questions
• Mind Buzzer Questions to provide challenging questions relating to real-life examples
Teacher’s Notes Important tips related to concepts for the teacher
Worksheets Exercises that covers financial literacy, inferential and experiential learning
Reasoning Worksheet Questions to stimulate rational thinking using mathematical skills
Eminent Mathematicians Brief write-up on eminent mathematicians and their contributions
Poster Important points and formulae in the form of a pull-out page
Review Corner Variety of questions at the end of the book for additional practice
• Multimedia eBook: Consists of animations, audio, video, slide shows, and interactive exercises
• Print-ready Worksheets: Additional worksheets for practice and reinforcements, present in the digital support
• Digital Flashcards: Flashcards with embedded sounds and animations for letter formation and letter-sound association
• Animations and Songs: Animated stories and rhymes set to tune
• Interactive Games: Interactivies to reinforce concepts in a fun and engaging manner
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