
Cascade is a skill-based course on Environmental Studies and Social Studies for the foundational, preparatory and middle stages. This series for classes 1 to 8 is aligned to the National Education Policy,2020. Taking into account the multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies and Social Studies, the series follows an interactive approach through a variety of tasks and stimulating content. This series deals with the study of human behaviour, relationships, resources and institutions in local as well as global contexts, all of which are fundamental to our conception of society.Skill builder: 21st century skills necessary to succeed in the age of information


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Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8


Middle, Primary

Key Features

• Skill builder: 21st century skills necessary to succeed in the age of information
• Think Big: Provides varied activities for multidisciplinary and holistic activities aligned to NIPUN
initiative for young learners
• Learning Tools: Student-made study guides to quickly organize, display, and arrange data, making it
easier to grasp concepts
• Apply it!: Provides application-based activities for experiential learning
• Geography skills: Provides tasks to hone map skills
• Assessments: Provide competency-based Structured Assessments For Analysing Learning (SAFAL)

Course Package

• Course books Teacher’s Manuals DigiSuite

Collins DigiSuite

• Multimedia eBook: Consists of animations, audio, video, slide shows, and interactive exercises
• Print-ready Worksheets: Additional worksheets for practice and reinforcements, present in the digital support
• Digital Flashcards: Flashcards with embedded sounds and animations for letter formation and letter-sound association
• Animations and Songs: Animated stories and rhymes set to tune
• Interactive Games: Interactivies to reinforce concepts in a fun and engaging manner

Books of the Series

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