Collins Cares

It’s more than two years since our lives have been impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. We have faced and are facing several challenges and uncertainties. It is difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle when we are in the middle of a crisis like this. The uncertainty surrounding us in terms of job security, finances, childcare, elderly parents, and family and friends who have been diagnosed with COVID disrupt our routines, our lifestyles and mental health. The uncertainty about the future, the ceaseless news coverage and constant social media driven flood of messages can increase our sense of anxiety. Stress is a normal response to these types of situations. As an educator, teacher, parent, or a student we have undergone stress adapting to new ways of teaching and learning. As your learning partner, Collins is with you in these difficult times, and has designed a wellness initiative, namely Collins Cares.

Collins Cares is a comprehensive health and wellness initiative through which experts will share information on how to maintain or improve well-being through proper diet, exercise, stress management, and illness prevention. Collins cares have covered topics from core areas of health and wellness which impact lives. These events have striven to impact the people in the education sector especially Administrators, Educators, Teachers, Parents and Students.

Building Emotional and Mental Resilience and Managing Stress

Webinar on Occupational wellness by Ms Geeta Dalal

Webinar on Self-care through the Art of Mandala by Ms Geeta Dalal

Panel discussion on Coping during Covid-19 to promote Emotional and Physical well-being


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